■セラミックアート1 ■セラミックアート2

●には太陽・▲には山・■には水の精のパワーが潜んでいるよう。●▲■の不思議なパワーに魅せられつつ、土へのデザインが生まれました。 すべて釉薬は使わず焼成しております。デザイン的に窯変している部分もありますが、窯変の無い部分には、 香りを付けてアロマグッズとしても楽しめます。土から新しい息吹をもって窯から出てくる小さなセラミック達に感動を覚えながら制作しております。 そして、手にしてくださる方にも喜びが伝わりますように祈っております。
Heart warming clay art,in various forms
It seems that the shape ● contains the power of the sun spirit, ▲ the power of the mountain spirit,and ■ the power of the water spirit. Enchanted by the strange powers of●▲■, a new design of the earth was born .Every item was fired without the use of glaze. Parts of the design have been changed through kiln deformation, but the parts without deformation can be applied with aromas so that they can be used as aroma goods. We craft these items while continuously being impressed by the small ceramics that come out of the kilns with new life breathed into them from the earth. And we pray that the happiness will be transmitted to those who pick these items up in their hands.

Tapestry clocks As one-point accents for your interior space.


Knickknacks that are designed around the "Owl,"the bird that brings about happiness.
card stands,key chains,pins,magnets,clocks,coasters,necklaces,earrings,pierced earrings,bracelets,broaches